Dec. 13, 1995.
This part talks about having a peace clock, John Winston.
Creating Peace On Earth by 2000 !
Since today is February 29, the Leap Day, a once in a four year experience, I figured that now would be an synchronistically appropriate time to post this. :) This is another excerpt from the book "Bashar: Blueprint for Change - A Message from Our Future", written by Darryl Anka and Luana Ewing.
The Peace Clock as described below was started in December 1987, and the efforts of the people participating in it, as well as of other groups and individuals who have been working and praying for peace and understanding on our Earth, have really been working, as can be seen from the recent dramatic changes of the world scene since 1987 for the better. Let us not stop here - there are more transformations awaiting us! Let us step into the conscious creating of our own realities:
PEACE CLOCK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
------ A WORLDWIDE EVENT ------
STARTING NOW: Wherever you are, perform a silent meditation
for world
have EVERY PERSON ON EARTH performing this event by
year 2000.
o With an alarm, a bell, a note or any other method
that works for you, remind yourself with it is noon
in your time zone.
o Acquire the active participation of your company,
your school, community, city, state and nation.
o Involve radio and television. Have them broadcast
the PEACE CLOCK name, slogan and logo, accompanied
by one minute of silence every day. o Above all: approach
all interactions with others in peaceful, constructive
and creative ways.
o Copy and share this information with as many people
as you can.
o Report your participation, or write for further information
PEACE CLOCK, P.O. Box 8307, Calabasas, CA 91302
NOTE: Peace Clock flyers and cardboard master copies are available in 12 languages (8 1/2 x 11), as are 5x7 post cards. Write to: Dorothy Compinsky, 2717 Arizona Ave., #5, Santa Monica, CA 90404, U.S.A.
At this time ([which was initially started in] December, 1987) we would like to suggest to you a project we have called the Peace Clock. A very simple idea, but very impactful. It goes as follows:
Step one: every single day of your time, at noon in your time zone - for one full minute at noon time - meditate on world peace in any way that is comfortable for you. See your world enjoying the idea of peace and harmony, in any way you wish to imagine, or visualize. What you will be creating is a motion, a momentum, an electromagnetic thrust around your planet - for we recognize you have many different time zones on your world.
If at midday in your time zone that entire slice, one-twenty-fourth of your planet, is focused for one minute in meditation on world peace - and then the next slice, and the next slice, all the way around your planet, around and around and around, day after day - you will actually generate an electromagnetic momentum that will almost literally spin you, before you know it, into fourth density, into synchronicity all around you.
Allow yourselves to truly feel the strength of your power, for you *are* empowered. If you know that *every single individual has a profound impact upon your entire planet*, you will change your world in ways you have not yet imagined - very rapidly. You will be accelerating your world at such a pace that if this is accomplished by your year 2000, then beginning from that year many things will happen you will perhaps hardly even believe.
Now, step two: take that information - that idea of the one-minute meditation at noon - and share it with as many as you possibly can. Involve individuals, cities and whole communities, states and nations; all levels of society. Involve your radio and your television media, so that at 12 noon every day they will also allow the one minute of silent meditation. Remind everyone with a tone, if you wish, or with a comment. All participating.
The basic goal is to have every individual - yes, every *single* individual - on your planet doing that one-minute meditation by January 1, 2000. You will find such a high degree of accelerated energy focused on world peace around your world that you will be able to have the foundations laid down for one world between 1990 and the year 2000. No later than 2013, 2011....
JW Sounds good to me.
Part 5.
John Winston.